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A functional snack brand offering low-glycemic, better-for-you cookies that won't spike your blood sugar.

  • Female-Founded
  • Clean Ingredients
  • Giving Back

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Behind the Brand

Joydays was founded by former media industry veteran Amy Cohn. Previously Head of Product at The Oprah Winfrey Network and Executive Director at Sony Pictures, Amy decided to enter the food industry when she was unexpectedly diagnosed with colon cancer in 2020. After her diagnosis, Amy became increasingly aware of the foods she was putting into her body. She realized that most of the snack products dominating grocery store shelves were more marketing 'healthy', but not made or even good for actual medical or health concerns. For the 51% of Americans with diabetes and pre-diabetes, Amy started to wonder how she could make joy-inducing and better-for-you foods more accessible. 

She started out by interviewing 3,000 people with diabetes and other chronic conditions, asking them what food they missed most. The answer: cookies. Armed with this knowledge, Amy teamed up with industry-leading dietitians, endocrinologists, chefs and food scientists to develop nutritionally-balanced and functional cookies that wouldn’t spike blood sugar. She raised funding in the summer of 2021, soft-launched her cookies direct-to-consumer, and sold out of inventory. Fast forward to today, Joydays’ award-winning cookies continue to elicit joy for those with chronic conditions as well as those simply looking for a healthier snack to never feel like they're missing out.

Meet the Maker

What has been your most unforgettable moment (good or bad) while building your company? - +

When we got a video from a little girl with T1 Diabetes who not only loved the cookies, but showed us on her CGM they didn't spike her blood sugar. She said she could "now not be embarrassed to have a snack in her lunchbox", as the kid next to her who didn't have a condition could also have the same snack too. This is our mission - to never have anyone feel "otherized". There's nothing worse than having something that looks medicinal or dated just because you are living with a health issue. We all just want to feel like we're not missing out on the simple joys of life.

What is your favorite thing to do in your free time? - +

Honestly my pure joy comes from having time to sit and read new cookbooks and plan a great dinner party for friends and family. I love cooking. I love new restaurants. I love making a community of people who I can make great food for, and have great conversation.

What is an essential part of your daily routine? - +

Coffee with cream in a Heath ceramics mug. Taking breaks in the middle of work to just read news, gossip or something absurd to take my mind away for at least 5 min before diving back in. As trite as it sounds, I just don't have time to do the meditative hustle porn routine that I wish I could - it's not realistic for my life. I wish I could say I do a daily routine of meditation, yoga, etc all before my kids wake up, but alas I'll settle for good coffee in a good coffee mug, and random reads throughout the day.

What is your biggest pet peeve? - +

People who do not seek to understand first. To assume something, and not ask the person directly, tends to make people "label" - and can be the breakdown of work and personal relationships. Assumptions about why something was done drive me nuts. Get the facts.

What is one thing most people don’t know about you? - +

That I produced a film in my early career days and got some amazing musicians for the soundtrack too. Very proud of what we made, and we won lots of awards. "Ugh" is my favorite word, and we named the company Ugh Films. To this day, "amyugh" is my handle on everything.

What do you want to be remembered for? - +

Deep relationships - the older I get, the more important I see it is to "show up" for others in anyway you can. I hope I can do that for everyone I love.

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